The class had so much fun tasting apples on Friday. This Friday, we will be making apple pie as we continue our study on apples. Be on the look out for the sign up if you are able to donate items for this fun day!
Thank you so much for all of your Scholastic Book Orders! There is still time to place an order if you are interested. Orders are due on Friday, September 19th. Visit the Book Order Tab located at the top of the page for ordering information. Your new books will be delivered to our classroom! Thank you for ordering online - with every order you place online, we get a free book for our classroom so this significantly helps me add to our classroom library.
The list of elective classes was posted Monday morning. Electives begin this Monday, September 15th. If your child is participating in an elective, you may send a lunch to school with him/her on that elective day and lunch supervision will be provided for your children. Kindergarten electives are from 1:00-1:30 and the elective teachers will dismiss your children at 1:30 on the ramp.
Thank you to our volunteer parents!!! We appreciate your prep work and participation in Fun Friday Centers!!
It has been a great first month of school. Thank you for all of your support with everything we do at ILCS. It is that time of year again to implement our “parent zone” before school starts for student safety. We ask that all parents, including siblings that do not attend ILCS, stand in the “parent zone.” This is behind the chain link fence on the playground. We are also working toward making our students independent so please let teachers walk their students in line with classmates only.
Our first field trip is planned!!! We will be going to Los Rios Ranch in Oak Glenn on Tuesday, October 7th. We will be leaving school by bus at approximately 8:15 in the morning and returning at approximately 12:30. The students will get to meet Johnny Appleseed, tour the apple orchards, and even make apple cider! In order for our kindergarten classes to go on this field trip (and all future field trips), we are asking for donations to be made to our Dollar A Day program through the school. Unfortunately, if our kindergarten team does not receive donations, we will not be able to go on this wonderful field trip :( We are also looking for volunteers to join us and chaperone our field trip. The cost for chaperones is also $7. If you are interested in chaperoning for our field trip on this day, please EMAIL ME! The $7 chaperone fee needs to be paid directly to me, not Dollar a Day. On Friday, September 19th, we will need to give our final head count to Los Rios Ranch, so if you would like to chaperone please let me know and pay $7 before that Friday. We apologize for any inconvenience, but siblings and little ones are not allowed on this field trip due to the safety of our kindergarten students you will be chaperoning. Also, be on the look-out for the field trip permission slip that will be coming home in your child's Take Home Folder soon. These are due back to school ASAP in order for your child to go on the field trip.We are so excited for this field trip! Yay!
Please do not forget to donate towards the field trip under Dollar A Day! The link to Dollar A Day is now located on the “Dollar a Day Donations” Tab located at the top of the page. We will be using Dollar A Day monies for ALL field trips.
RAZ-Kids: Raz-Kids is our awesome Online Reading program. This is a great website where your children can listen to and read books at their level. With each book, you can also take comprehension quizzes and earn points! With those points, you can play fun games online. All of the information (how much time spent online, books read, and quizzes taken) comes back to me so I can check on your reading at home.
Smarty Ants: I love to listen to the recordings of all of you reading. Keep up the good work!
IXL Math: I sent user names and passwords home last week. Let's see who can get the most minutes logged this first week!
What Are We Learning This Week?:
Sight Words: YOU, AND, IT FRIEND.
Letter Team: WH (like in what and whistle).
Word Family: AT - like in bat, cat, rat, sat, fat, etc.
Reading: We will continue to read books about apples and Johnny Appleseed and continue to read books about colors as we learn our color words.
Writing: We are writing a big book together about the life cycle of an apple using sight words we have learned so far. We will be studying how an apple grows, from seed to tree to blossom to apple. We will continue learning to put spaces between each word, use an uppercase at the beginning of each sentence with lowercase letters throughout, and use a period at the end. We will continue to use our sight words in our sentences and use our sound chart to help us sound out the words we do not know how to write.
Math: We will continue our study of 2D and 3D shapes. We are learning the attributes of each shape such as how many sides/faces, vertices/corners, each one has and if a shape rolls, slides, or stacks. We also are learning to recognize if a shape is flat (2D) or
solid (3D ) and where we can find these shapes in our everyday life. We will also begin to learn about symmetry. We will continue to learn all about money as we start counting pennies! We will also learn how to count by 5's and 10's.
Leadership: This month our theme is "grit". We are teaching that grit is perseverance and passion for long-term goals. We will discuss ways to demonstrate grit at home and at school.
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