This week we will continue to read and write about Autumn. We will continue to learn about leaves and discuss our favorite fall activities.
What Are We Learning This Week?:
Sight Words: HE, SHE, WENT, TO, PLAY.
Letter Team: AY (like in PLAY, DAY) and ING (like in SING, RING).
Word Family: -AY and -AM. Please help your child with word families of the week by asking them to create different words with the word family -ay (for example: BAY, DAY, SAY, MAY, HAY) and -am (SAM, HAM, RAM, SLAM).
Reading: We will continue reading books about Autumn and leaves. We will continue to read our book bag books and work on our letters, sounds, and sight words every day.
Writing: We are learning that syllables can help us sound out words. We are working hard on our writing goals, writing a story each day and adding a detailed picture to match.
Math: We will keep working hard on counting goals, number writing goals, number ID goals, and shapes. Last week our focus was counting to 100 by tens. Please practice this with your child if they are still struggling. This week, we will continue our focus of ways to make five. You can help at home by asking your child what you need to make five. Example: "I have three, how many do I need to make five?" The goal is for students to be quick and proficient at this skill. We will also learn to compare groups and numbers using the words MORE, LESS, GREATER THAN, and LESS THAN.
Leadership: For the month of October, our whole school will be focusing on the O of ROAR: Own Your Actions. We will talk about what that means and how we can own our actions at school. Our goal is to have students take ownership of their own behavior as we all strive to be leaders in our classroom and school.