We had a wonderful second week of school together!
I am almost done with my beginning of the year assessments, including letters and sounds, numbers, and phonemic awareness skills. Be on the look out for those assessment results coming home in your child's folder this week. Please take some time to review these results with your child. My goal for all students is to have 100% letter, sound, phonemic awareness, shape, and number recognition by the end of our first trimester in November.
We are ready to begin our Friday parent volunteers THIS WEEK!! We are excited to have you join our class for Fun Friday Centers! Our center time is from 11:00 - 12:30. Please plan on arriving a few minutes early so that we can begin our centers right at 11:00. Our parent helpers who have volunteered include: Mrs. Pettit, Mrs. Crabtree, Mrs. Nesbit, and Mrs. Beauchamp. Our Fridays are always so much fun and I'm really looking forward to our time together this year!
The very first Scholastic Book order went out last week. If you would like to order books for your child, please visit our Book Order tab for more information on signing onto the Scholastic Website. With every order, we also get one free book for our classroom library. Place your orders by September 11th!
Please do not forget that while most of our homework in kindergarten is done at home, we do have "Turn-In Homework" every week. This is either a sentence to be written at home and turned in or something to bring in to share. Homework can be turned in ANY day of the week. Please check the Homework tab for the "Turn-In" topic of the week, as well as reading, writing, math, and phonemic awareness ideas. Thank you!
There is no school on Monday, September 7 due to the Labor Day holiday. Enjoy the time off with your families!
School picture day will be Friday, September 11th! Be on the look-out for a flyer being sent home soon!
What Are We Learning This Week?:
Sight Words: I, LIKE, MY.
Letter Team: SH (like in "she" and "push") and ER (like in "her" and "mother") - ask your child to tell you about Mr. ER - he is one crazy driver!!!
Word Family: IP - like in dip, chip, rip, sip, tip, etc.
Reading: We will continue to learn that vowels make 2 sounds - a short sound and a long sound. We will continue to read big books to help us with our reading strategies. This week, we will also read many books about colors and our five senses. We will introduce non-fiction as we read Scholastic magazines in week.
Writing: We are writing a new book together about our five senses using our sight words of the week. We are continuing to use an uppercase at the beginning of a sentence, finger spaces between our words, and a period at the end. We are also learning to use our sight words in our sentences and to listen for the sounds in all unknown words using our sound chart. You can help your child at home by using the same sound chart on the back of your Homework Folder to help with sounding out words and writing at home.
Math: We will continue to practice number identification, number writing, days of the week, months of the year, shapes, and counting on/"Popcorn Counting".
Leadership: This month and throughout September, our theme is "GRIT". We are teaching that grit is perseverance and passion for long-term goals.