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Friday, August 21, 2015

Weekly News: August 24-18

What a great first full week of school! I am the luckiest teacher to have such a great group of students with me and I am excited about our year together. We are having so much fun getting to know one another and adjusting to this crazy little thing called kindergarten :) 

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Thank you again to the parents that signed up to help us out in the morning with Daily Folders. Here is a reminder of our helpers: 

Mondays: Mrs. Johnson 
Tuesdays: Mrs. Reyes 
Wednesdays: Mrs. Sams
Thursdays: Mrs. Wetmore-Castle
Fridays: Mrs. Pettit

At Back to School Night, you should have received a Sight Word CD with most of our sight word songs. This is a fun way to learn our sight words and reinforce letter identification too. Have your child point to each letter on their flashcard as they sing the letter name and have fun singing! 

At Back to School Night, you should have also received a note showing you how to download the QR CODE app onto your phone or tablet. Your children will have the opportunity to scan QR codes in the classroom and watch great videos to help with reading, phonemic awareness, penmanship, and math. Every week, some of the papers we are working on in class will come home. Have your child scan those QR codes again and again for practice! They love the videos!

There is no school on Monday, September 7 due to the Labor Day holiday. Enjoy the time off with your families! 

What Are We Learning This Week?:

Sight Words: IS, THE, ME, OR.

Letter Team: TH (we are learning that TH has two different sounds - a hard sound, like in MOTHER and THE, and a soft sound, like in THUMB and WITH). 

Word Family: AP (cap, tap, rap, etc.)

Reading: We are learning the vowels! Ask your child about our special vowel song and what sounds the vowels can make! We are learning that each vowel can make 2 sounds - short and long. We are also learning the parts of a book, including title, author, illustrator, and title page. You can help at home by having your child point to each part of the book before you read. Students will continue one-to-one matching, and we will learn a few more reading strategies, including, "Get your mouth ready for the first sound", "Know the Letter Sounds" and "Stretch out the sounds".

Writing: We are writing a new book together about our shapes and colors using our sight words of the week. We will practice that a sentence starts with an uppercase letters and ends with a period. We are working on putting finger spaces in between our words. We are learning that our ABC Sound Chart helps us to identify sounds/letters in words. (You will also find the ABC Sound Chart on your child's Take Home Folder!!)

Math: We will practice number identification, number writing, days of the week, months of the year, and shapes. We will also focus on identifying what number comes next without having to go back to start counting at 1. In class, we call it "Popcorn Counting". For example, if I ask a student to count on from the number 7, I would like them to say "8, 9, 10" and the numbers just pop out of our brain like popcorn. 

Leadership: This month and throughout September, our theme is "GRIT". We are teaching that grit is perseverance and passion for long-term goals. We will discuss ways to demonstrate grit at home and at school. This topic will be our Turn-In Homework this week. 


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