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Friday, October 28, 2016

Weekly News: October 31-November 4

We had such a great time investigating pumpkins! Thank you for all the help and donations. We could not do it without you! We are excited to try all of those roasted pumpkin seeds this week!

We are looking forward to our fun Fall Centers games and activities on Monday! Remember to wear your PJs! 

There is no school next Friday, November 11th due to Veteran's Day and no school the following Monday, November 14th due to parent conferences. 

Parent Conferences are in a few weeks (November 14-18). Please sign up on 
ParentSquare for a time that works for you. I am looking forward to meeting with all of you to discuss your child's growth in the classroom. Because we only have so much time per conference, I'd like to politely ask that you arrive on time so we can make the most of our time together. If possible, please make other arrangements for your children, as parent conferences are for parents and teachers only. Thank you!

Upcoming Events: 

Monday, October 31: Fun Fall Centers! 
Friday, November 11: No School - Veteran's Day
Monday, November 14: No School - Conference Day 
November 14-17: Parent Conferences - sign up on ParentSquare!
Friday, November 18: Thanksgiving Feast - more info coming soon! 
November 21-25: No School - Thanksgiving Break! 

What Are We Learning This Week:

Sight Words: IN, ON, SO, GO, DO. 

Letter Team: This week we are learning about Mr. ER's two crazy cousins....UR and IR (like in FUR, CURL and STIR, GIRL).

Word Family:  This week we will be making words with the word families -EN (HEN, MEN, TEN).  Please help your child with word families of the week by asking them to create different words with the word families.

Reading: We will read many books turkeys and pilgrims and Indians, as we prepare for Thanksgiving. We will practice all of our reading strategies learned so far. This week, I will continue assessing students on letters, sounds, sight words, and letter teams learned so far. We will continue to read our paper books and books from our class library. Please remember to bring your book bag to school every day! Unfortunately, students who do not bring their book bag back to school cannot take a book home that day. Thank you for your help in reinforcing this responsibility. 

Writing: We will continue to write three sentences on the same topic, using an uppercase at the beginning of a sentence, finger spaces after each word, and a period at the end.

Math: This week, we will dive into some fun turkey and Thanksgiving story problems. We are learning to answer these problems with pictures, numbers, and words. I will also be assessing each student on counting, numbers, and shapes. 

Leadership: We have now learned and discussed every letter for ROAR! R: Respect, O: Own Your Actions, A: Act Safely, R: Rise to Servant Leadership. We will all practice "roaring" at school and continue to discuss how to be a good leader. Students will continue to fill out their ROAR sheets and receive ROAR tickets. My hope is to build a respectful, responsible, safe classroom of leaders! :)


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