This Wednesday, November 9th is make-up picture day for those of you who need to make up school pictures!
There is NO SCHOOL Friday, November 11th due to Veteran's Day. Enjoy the three-day weekend with your families!
Parent Conferences are NEXT WEEK! {November 14-18}Thank you to those parents that have signed up for a conference - I look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's growth and success in the classroom. If you have not yet signed up for a conference time, please take one morning this week to stop by our Classroom Clipboard to sign up!
Our kindergarten classes will be having a combined Thanksgiving Feast on Friday, November 18th. We will be making many items for our feast in the classroom together. Please check for the special note coming home tomorrow and see the classroom clipboard for a sign-up sheet if you are interested in donating your time or goodies for this wonderful feast!! Thank you! We are looking forward to a great, big Thanksgiving celebration together!
Sight Words: IN, ON, SO, GO, DO.
Letter Team: UR and IR (like in FUR, CURL and STIR, GIRL).
Word Family: This week we will be making words with the word families -EN (HEN, DEN, PEN). Please help your child with word families of the week by asking them to create different words with the word families.
Reading: We have learned so many decoding strategies for reading in kindergarten! These can all be found on our Reading Strategies tab. Please review all of these strategies with your child during your reading time together. We will begin reading books about turkeys and pilgrims and indians, and read our special poems of the week, "Turkey" and "The First Thanksgiving".
Writing: This week we will write a big book together about geometric shapes. We will review the geometric shapes (cone, cube, sphere, cylinder, pyramid) as we write this book together. This big book will be written using the sight words we have learned so far. We will continue learning to put spaces between each word, use an uppercase at the beginning of each sentence with lowercase letters throughout the rest of the sentence, and use a period at the end. We are also learning to use our sight words in our sentences and to listen for the sounds in all unknown words using our sound chart.
Math: We will review everything we have learned in math this week. Please continue to help your child at home with everything we have learned: addition, geometric shapes, counting by 5's, counting by tens, counting money and telling time to the hour, learning how to identify, order, and count numbers to 30 and write numbers to 10, learning the days of the week, months of the year, shapes, how to read and extend patterns, counting ordinally, and identifying what number comes next.
Leadership: We learned last week that generosity means giving and that we can be generous by giving our time, by giving our self, and by giving our things. We will focus on how we can show generosity during this holiday season.
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