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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Weekly News: November 28-December 1

Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving week off with your families! There is A LOT going on in these next three weeks so please take a moment to read...

I very much enjoyed meeting with all of you during our parent conferences and felt that our discussions were extremely beneficial. Looking forward to spending the rest of the year with you and your child!

I have updated our "Classroom Wish List" for the new trimester. Please visit this page if you are able to donate in any way. Thank you!

After my latest assessments, I have moved around a few students for reading groups. This week, if your child is bringing home a book that has been previously read, please know that I am focusing on fluency with your child.

Upcoming Events:

Thursday, December 1st: PTO is having a Holiday Craft Fair for BOTH campuses on Thursday, December
1st from 3-6pm in the auditorium at CSC. The crafts will range in price from $1-$5. Bring your kids Holiday shopping at our first Craft Fair. All crafts will be made by children of ILCS. The Holiday Craft Fair will not only allow students to buy gifts for family and friends for the holidays, it will also give everyone the opportunity to earn some extra money for their class. 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the class selling the crafts. This is also a great way to allow students to express their creative side.

December 5th-December 9th: SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR! PTO is will be having a book fair from 7:40-8:15am and from 1:00pm-3:00pm at CSC only. BSC families are invited to join at
CSC. There will be books available for all ages from TK-8th. The book fair will also
be OPEN from 5pm-7:30pm on Thursday, December 8th only! Bring your family and join the
fun! You can do some Holiday shopping at the Book Fair. What a GREAT gift a book makes.
Please keep in mind that every book bought helps ILCS!

Wednesday, December 7th: ILCS Drama performs a special show, "The Wizard of Oz Christmas" 6:00-7:00 at the California Street Campus. Come support our kids and watch a fun and wonderful show!

Friday, December 16th: Our Kindergarten Christmas Centers & Pizza Party - more information to come!!

December 19th-January 2nd: NO SCHOOL! CHRISTMAS BREAK!
What Are We Learning This Week??:

Sight Words: BY, OUR, WHO, THING, THINK.

Letter Team: GE/GI (the soft sound of G which sounds like J, like in GENIE and GIRAFFE) and INK (like in PINK, SINK).

Word Family: INK.

Reading: In the 1st trimester, we learned many strategies to help us with our decoding and reading. Now we will begin discussing the way our reading makes us think. We will study and learn about SCHEMA and MAKING CONNECTIONS. Check your child's Homework Folder sometime this week for a special Parent Newsletter all about this new study! This week, we will read books about the holidays, Santa, generosity, and our poem of the week, "S-A-N-T-A".

Writing: We are learning to add details to our writing using the 5 W's (who, what, where, when, why). We are learning to write more than one detailed sentences on the same topic.

Math: This week, we will begin MATH TIMED TESTS. Students will be timed on addition skills and move up levels at their own pace. We are also learning the addition "DOUBLES" in our fun DOUBLES SONG.

Leadership: We will continue discussing GENEROSITY in our classroom and how we can give to others and show our generosity during the holiday season.


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