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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Homework: September 6

A note about homework: Remember that BESIDES sharing, you do NOT need to turn in homework! Sometimes we will send home tips, activities, or ideas for you to do at home, but you do not need to turn that in to class. We trust that each family will reinforce what we are learning in class and work on that at home. My advice is to develop a consistent routine with your child: set aside 30 minutes every day to read, study flashcards, and practice writing and math concepts. 

Flashcards: Make flashcards for our new sight words (I, LIKE, MY) and letter teams (SH and ER). Study these flashcards (and those from previous weeks) every day. It may be a good idea to keep a bunch of index cards on a binder ring or in a box and you can add the new flashcards to that every week. Also, if your assessment results from last week showed that your child is still struggling with letters, sounds, or numbers, it may be a good idea to make flashcards for those as well! :)

Reading: On Friday, your child came home with paper books to live in special book boxes at home. Have your child read his or her books to you every night three times each, pointing to the words. Don't forget to also read picture books to your child, as you are a wonderful reading example!

Math: Practice counting 1-30 or higher, identify numbers out of order, number writing practice, sort items by color and size, and practice drawing shapes.

Writing: Practice writing your name with an uppercase only at the beginning. Practice writing ABC's uppercase and lowercase (Aa, Bb, Cc). Also practice writing your sight words of the week and sight word dictation sentences for our spelling test on Friday.

Sharing: Oh, no! Only 9 friends turned in their sharing homework this week! This is a big part of our curriculum and the only homework you need to turn in. I do record who turns in sharing for student's homework grades. This week, we are focusing on our leadership theme. Please write one sentence about how you can be responsible at home or at school. Draw a picture to go with your sentence. Make sure you practice reading your sentence at home so you are prepared to read in front of the class. Sharing is due any day this week. 


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