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Friday, March 3, 2017

Weekly News: March 6-10

We had so much fun dressing up and celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday. Thank you for all of your help, time, donations, and to all of our guest readers! Make sure to check out our pictures on the ParentSquare post. 

Parent Conferences for this trimester will be on a NEED ONLY basis and will be taking place the week before Spring break, March 20-24. 

Continue to work on your community service projects. These will be due early May - They will need to be turned in before May 10th to qualify for the Leadership Banquet. Please see our Community Service Tab for more information and feel free to email me if you have any questions. 

Upcoming Events:
March 27-April 7: SPRING BREAK!!!


What Are We Learning This Week?:

Letter Team:  DGE (sounding like "j" like in BADGE, LEDGE, and FRIDGE).

Reading: We have been making a list of all the words that good readers should know, like COVER, AUTHOR, ILLUSTRATOR, TITLE, etc. This week, we will explore some non-fiction texts and add some non-fiction text features to this list. You can help at home by talking to your children about words like CAPTIONS, LABELS, TABLE OF CONTENTS, GLOSSARY, ARTICLE, INDEX, etc. 

Writing: This week, we will continue learning how to write our opinions. Remember that writing an opinion is telling "What and Why". This week, we will ask, "What is the best way to catch a leprechaun and why?"

Math: We will focus hard on decomposing and composing numbers within ten. You can help at home by asking your children problems like, "If I need 10 cupcakes and I only have 4, how many more would I need?" I am finding that students do a great job referring to the tens frame and answering "ways to make 10" questions, but struggle with ways to make other numbers, so let's make sure we are also asking, "If we need 7 apples and we have four, how many more would we need?" We will be discussing different strategies for this in class. 

Leadership: We will continue to ROAR and discuss what it means to have a growth mindset!


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