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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Weekly News: November 7-10

There is no school this Friday, November 11th due to Veteran's Day and no school the following Monday, November 14th due to parent conferences. 

I can't believe we are already done with our First Trimester of Kindergarten! Parent Conferences are NEXT WEEK (November 14-18). 
Thank you for signing up on Parent Square for a conference.  if you have not yet signed up, please do so. I am looking forward to meeting with all of you to discuss your child's growth in the classroom. Because we only have so much time per conference, I'd like to politely ask that you arrive on time so we can make the most of our time together. If possible, please make other arrangements for your children, as parent conferences are for parents and teachers only. Thank you!

Our kindergarten classes will be having a combined Thanksgiving Feast on Friday, November 18th. We are looking forward to a great, big Thanksgiving celebration together!  We will be making many items for our feast in the classroom together! If you are able to donate items for our feast, we would really appreciate it - be on the look out for the ParentSquare sign up coming soon!  If you would like to come help set up and make this a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast for our kids, you are welcome to join us next Friday at 11:30 for set up.  The feast will begin at 12:00. We need need LOTS of help for set up and tear down! Thank you in advance!

Mark your calendars now!  We will be having our very own special kindergarten play, "The Tale of the Gingerbread Man" on the evening of Thursday, December 15th. More information to come, but you do not want to miss this, so mark your calendars now! 

Upcoming Events: 

Friday, November 11: No School - Veteran's Day
Monday, November 14: No School - Conference Day 
November 14-17: Parent Conferences - sign up on ParentSquare!
Friday, November 18: Thanksgiving Feast 
November 21-25: No School - Thanksgiving Break! 
Thursday, December 15: EVENING performance of our kindergarten Christmas play, "The Tale of the Gingerbread Man" - more info coming soon, but make sure you mark your calendars now!!

What Are We Learning This Week:

Sight Words: This week we are reviewing our tricky W words - WENT, WHEN, WHAT, WAS, WANT. Please continue to practice all sight words that we have learned in the first trimester, especially those your child has misread on their Friday Sight Word Tests.

Letter Team: GE/GI (the soft sound of G which sounds like J, like in GENTLE and GIANT).

Reading: We will read many books turkeys and pilgrims and Indians, as we prepare for Thanksgiving. We will practice all of our reading strategies learned so far. We will continue to read our paper books and books from our class library. 

Writing: We will continue to write at least three sentences on the same topic, focusing on neatness, proper punctuation, capitalization, and spacing.

Math: We will continue to work on our Daily Math, Math Talks, fun Thanksgiving story problems and games, and DreamBox. We will learn this week about the different types of story problems - adding, subtracting, adding groups, sharing, and comparing. We will work on different WAYS to solve problems, such as using manipulatives, drawing a picture, counting up or counting backwards, and using resources around us. 

Leadership: Congratulations to our ROAR award recipients for the first trimester - Bradley and Lizzy! We will all continue to ROAR in kindergarten and discuss ways to respect, own our actions, act safely, and be a leader in our classroom.


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