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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Weekly News: April 1-5


We had so much fun sharing our leprechaun traps and celebrating both St. Patrick's Day and Easter this week. 

Our field trip to the Children's Museum of the Desert is THIS FRIDAY! We will be leaving school around 8:15 and returning around 1:15. Please mark your calendars and adjust your schedules for the late pick up on this day and please note that your child will be missing any electives they may have on this day. PLEASE DO NOT BRING FOLDERS ON THIS DAY! We will be eating our "sack" lunches and the museum following our tour, so do not forget to send your child with a "brown-bag" lunch! Permission slips were sent home last week. Please return these ASAP if you have not already done so. Thank you to the chaperones that volunteered to go with us: Mrs. Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Thorig, Mrs. Greco, Mrs. Scherneck, Mrs. Pearson, Mrs. Fenton, and Mr. Joe! :)  Chaperones will be riding the bus with our classes. We are looking forward to a wonderful field trip!!! 

Because of our field trip on Friday, we will be taking our spelling and math tests on Thursday this week. 

Electives and tutoring will begin again THIS WEEK.

Upcoming Events:  
Friday, April 5: Children's Museum Field Trip 
Sunday, April 7: ILCS 66er's Night!
Friday, April 19: NO SCHOOL

What Are We Learning This Week?:

Letter Team: 
DGE (sounding like "j" like in BADGE, LEDGE, and FRIDGE).

We will read books about spring and our poems of the week, "Springtime" and "Spring Song".
Writing: We will have fun writing fictional spring stories and step up to writing stories about things that we are learning about spring.
This week, we will focus on probability words (certain, likely, unlikely, impossible) and when they are appropriate.We will continue working on 100's club and place value, addition, and subtraction, elapsed time, and counting coins. 

Leadership: Our leadership theme for the month of March and April is INGENUITY. 


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