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Thursday, October 3, 2019

October 7-11

This week we will read and learn all about bats. We will explore non-fiction text and write facts that we are learning about bats. 

If you are interested in volunteering in the classroom, we are still looking for a few volunteers! We'd love a helper on Thursday morning from 8:15-9:45 and every other Thursday from 11:30-12:30. Please email me or see me if you would like to volunteer. 

What Are We Learning This Week?:

Sight Words: WHEN, HAVE, BE, AM, WHAT.

Letter Team:  AW/AU (like in JAW/SAUCE). We will also review the letter team OO, remembering that it makes two sounds (like in LOOK and BOO!)

Word Family: -OT. Please help your child with word families of the week by asking them to create different words with the word family -OT (for example: COT, JOT, POT, SPOT). 

Reading: We will read many non-fiction books about bats. We will also work on sounding out CVC words. Students will continue to take home book bags for nightly reading practice. Since book bags are considered daily homework, it is crucial that they are brought back to school every day. 

Writing: This week, we will write non-fiction stories about what we are learning about bats. We are trying to write three sentences on one topic, adding details and adjectives to our writing.  

Math: We will keep working hard on counting goals, number writing goals, number ID goals, and shapes. This week we are working on subitizing - this is recognizing how many without counting. We are learning to subitize dice and tens frames. You can help at home by playing dice games and asking your child what the number is without counting. 

Image result for tens frame imageImage result for dice image

Leadership: For the month of September, our whole school will be focusing on the O of ROAR: Own Your Actions. We will talk about what that means and how we can own our actions at school. Our goal is to have students take ownership of their own behavior as we all strive to be leaders in our classroom and school.


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