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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Weekly News: March 9-13


We had so much fun dressing up and celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday. Thank you for all of your help, time, donations, and to all of our guest readers! 

This week, we will celebrate St. Patrick's day with lots of fun centers and games, sharing our leprechaun traps, and reading and writing about catching leprechauns! We will also have a WEAR GREEN day on Friday! :) I can't wait to see all of those leprechaun traps you've been working on! Please bring your traps in to share any day Monday - Thursday. It is very important to have your traps in before Friday because we will be trying to catch him on Friday! 

We have NO SCHOOL for the next two weeks due to Spring Break. Spring break is a perfect time to work on your Community Service Projects! I hope you have a wonderful two weeks off with your families!

Report Cards are being sent home on Thursday! Make sure you check your child's folder for his or her report card!

Upcoming Events:  
Friday, March 13th: End of the Trimester Awards Assembly 
March 16-27: SPRING BREAK!!!

If you are at the store and happen to think of us, we'd love.... 
Push Pins 
Even more gluesticks! :)
Gallon Ziploc Bags
Any sort of small {or big} prizes for our class store

What Are We Learning This Week?:

Sight Words: There will be no new sight words introduced until after Spring Break.  Please take this time to review ALL of our words introduced so far.  Remember, sight words are words that your child should recognize instantly.  These are not words your child should be sounding out!  Please continue to work on these words. 

Letter Team: 
There will not be any new letter teams introduced until after Spring Break.  Please take this time to review ALL of our letter teams introduced so far. Many children know all of the letter teams, but have a hard time applying them into decoding words. A great idea would be to write words (or make flashcards) with letter teams in them and have your child decode the word for you, applying the letter team.  

This week, we will read books about  St. Patrick's Day, leprechauns, and Ireland.

Writing: We will write silly stories about how to catch a leprechaun and we will write a step up to writing about how our leprechaun traps work.  

We will continue to work on our Daily Math Practice sheets, math stories, our fluency through 5, and composing and decomposing. 

Leadership:  Our leadership trait this month is SERVICE. This is a great time to be working on those community service projects! They will be due at the end of May. 


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