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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Weekly News: June 3-7

Thank you so much for all of the wedding wishes, cards, gifts, and encouragement!! I had such a wonderful weekend. I was so happy to celebrate with all of you last Wednesday and return to school as "Mrs. Bess" :) 

I cannot believe that it is our last full week of kindergarten together. Your children have grown so much and I have truly enjoyed having each and every one of them in class this year. We have been working SO HARD on our learning this year that we would like to enjoy our last two weeks together doing fun projects, playing games, reading our favorite books together, and writing about everything we have learned in kindergarten and how much we have grown! 

Do not forget to save these important end-of-the-year dates: 

Friday, June 7th: Donuts with DadsDads, if you are able, please plan on joining us at 8:10 on this date for a quick donut with your child and a presentation of a special Father's Day gift for you! 

Monday, June 10th: We are having a fun and relaxing day in the classroom. Come in your PJs and bring your favorite stuffed animal. We will have fun reading our favorite library books and playing our favorite games all day! We will also celebrate summer birthdays on this day. If you were unable to celebrate your child's birthday this year because it is in the summer, please let me know and we can celebrate!

Tuesday, June 11th: We are having a school FIELD DAY with all of kindergarten, first grade, and even our TK friends! We will rotate through fun centers outside and we will also have a special assembly to attend. If you are able to help out, please see our room-mom, Tammy. You will also want to wear a lot of sunscreen and clothes that you can get wet!! Thank you so much for your support!

Wednesday, June 12th: We will have a very special last day of school KINDERGARTEN CLASSROOM CELEBRATION on this day. We invite you to join us at 10:30 as we read our last book together as a class, look through our memory books, and watch our "Kindergarten Movie". We also have a special song prepared.


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