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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Weekly News: December 3-7


Such a busy time of the year with so much going on! Please take a moment to read through our news and upcoming events so that you don't miss out on anything! I will also send home our "December Calendar" on Monday. Thank you! 

Your child began our fluency program last week. This is such an important part of our reading program. Please practice fluency every night and bring the fluency passage back to school every day in your child's book bag. 

On Thursday of this week (December 6th), our kindergarten classes will be going on a walking field trip to Braswell's Home to sing, visit Santa, and deliver cards. Please look out for (and return) the field trip permission slip coming home later this week. WE NEED PARENTS TO WALK WITH US ON THIS DAY! If you are interested in walking with us to Braswells, please let me know! We will be leaving school around 10:15 and returning by dismissal. Thank you!

On Friday, December 14th from 3-6 at CSC, we have our ILCS School Holiday Craft Fair! Our amazing room mom will be making Christmas Pretzels and necklaces. If you would like to help, we are asking for donations of large pretzel rods, candy melts, Christmas sprinkles, and $2. If you are able, you may bring this to school at any time! Thank you!

Wednesday, December 19th is Grandparents Day at ILCS! We invite all grandparents who are able, to join us in the Lion's Den at 8:15. Our classes will perform a few songs and our principal will give a short presentation. Grandparents are then invited to join us in class for a fun activity with the children. 

That same evening, December 19th, the whole school will be having a Holiday Performance night! More information to come. 

Our "Tale of the Gingerbread Man" rehearsals are going well! We are having so much fun learning all of the fun songs and hand motions. The kindergarten classes will be performing this play on Thursday, December 20th. Mrs. Stanley and Miss Reeve's classes will begin at 8:45. We hope you are able to come to this wonderful event. Your children have been working hard! 

Upcoming Events:  
Friday, December 14: Holiday Craft Fair 
Wednesday, December 19: School Holiday Performance - more info to come
Thursday, December 20: Gingerbread Man play AND Christmas Centers 

If you are at the store and happen to think of us, we'd love.... 
Canon Printer Ink #210 and #211
Staples Heavy Duty Sheet protectors 
Christmas Treasure Box prizes and stickers 

What Are We Learning This Week?:

Sight Words: AS, NO, KNOW, ABOUT, BY.

Letter Team: 
 KN (the K is silent, like in KNOW and KNIGHT), and EW (like in NEW and STEW).

 We are learning about 
landforms (like mountains, valleys, deserts, and plains) and bodies of water (like rivers, oceans, lakes, and ponds) in our reading this week.

Writing:  This week we will make a "Writer's Checklist" - a list of things that all good writers do, such as proper punctuation, uppercases at the beginning of a sentence and name, finger spaces between each word, spelling word wall words correctly, adding details, making sure our writing makes sense, and trying our best! We will read this checklist everyday to make sure we are applying each of those skills in our writing.

Last week, we began MATH TIMED TESTS. Students are timed on addition skills and move up levels at their own pace. The kids did a great job! A bunch of friends passed "+0" and "+1" and will now be moving on to "+2"! We also learned the addition "DOUBLES" in our fun DOUBLES SONG. Please work on basic addition and doubles at home. This week, we will start reading math stories and making number sentences with the stories. For example, "Billy had three apples and Susie had five apples. How many apples did they have altogether? Answer: 3+5=8" Please try these math stories at home! We are also learning the directions RIGHT and LEFT - please reinforce this at home.   

Leadership: We will continue talking about ways that we can show gratefulness during the holiday season. 


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