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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Weekly News: December 12-16

There is NO SCHOOL for two weeks due to Christmas vacation!!!! This is our last week together in 2010. I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and New Years and I will see you back at school on Tuesday, January 3, 2012!!!

The Friday Prep Parties have not stopped! We want to give a special THANK YOU to Amanda Woodruff for being there EVERY FRIDAY! This Friday we will be having a Holiday Breakfast for ALL PARENTS who have helped so far this year to thank you for everything you have done! We truly appreciate all of the parent involvement and help! Thank you!

Our Online Reading A-Z program is up and running! This is a great website where your children can listen to and read books at their level - the same books being sent home in their book bags each week! With each book, you can also take comprehension quizzes and earn points! With those points, you can play fun games online. All of the information (how much time spent online, books read, and quizzes taken) comes back to me so I can check on your reading at home. There might even be prizes for the best readers! The Reading A-Z website link is found on our side tab RAZ KIDS, but I will also be sending log-in information home in your book bag this week for each student. Have fun reading online!!! 

Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, December 13th: GRANDPARENT'S DAY! Grandparents are invited to hear our classes sing in the Lion's Den at 8:15 and stay for a short presentation by Mr. Gordon. Grandparents are then welcome to visit our classroom to see our learning take place! We will be leaving for our field trip at 10:15, but you are welcome to stop by before that and watch our class in action!

Tuesday, December 13th: Our kindergarten classes will be going on a walking field trip to Braswell's Home to sing our Christmas carols and deliver cards. If you have not returned the permission slip, please do so MONDAY so your child will be able to join us! Please note there are TWO sides to the permission slip. We will be showing our GENEROSITY to Braswell's by bringing them winter socks, mitten, gloves, etc. We are asking each child to bring something to give on Tuesday. Also, if you would like to chaperone and join us on our walk to Braswell's, we would love to have you! Please let me know! :)

Tuesday, December 13th: On Tuesday EVENING, we are having a Christmas Program in our Lion's Den (Bryant St sanctuary)!! The whole school will be singing a few songs to celebrate Christmas! Kindergarten and 1st will be from 5:30-6:00, 2nd/3rd grades from 6:00-6:30, 4th-6th grades from 6:30-7:00. Our classes will be singing "Jingle Bells" and "Santa Claus in Coming to Town". Practice singing these songs at home and come hear your wonderful children sing!!! I would recommend getting to the church at 5:00 for a spot to sit! Your children will be sitting with you then asked to join their class on stage when it is kindergarten's turn to sing! Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend, but Mrs. Stanley will be there if you need anything!

Friday, December 16th: Our Kindergarten Christmas Centers and Pizza Party - we will be having Christmas Center Activities from 10:30-11:30 followed by a Kindergarten Pizza Party. Thank you for signing up to donate your time and items for this special event!! There is still time to sign up to help!! Please check your classroom clipboard! We are also still collecting $2 per student for the pizza party - if you are able to contribute, please send this donation to school in your child's GO folder. Thank you!

December 19th-January 2nd: NO SCHOOL! CHRISTMAS BREAK!

What Are We Learning This Week??:


Letter Team: ED (We are learning that tricky Mr. ED goes at the end of the word to tell us that something has already happened - making the word past tense. Mr. ED is tricky because sometimes he makes the "T" sound - like in LOOKED, sometimes he makes the "D" sound - like in PLAYED, and sometimes he says "ED" like in WANTED).

Reading: This week, we will also read books about the holidays, Santa, generosity, and our poem of the week, "Santa Clause is Coming to Town".

Writing: This week we will continue our "Writer's Checklist" - a list of things that all good writers do, such as proper punctuation, uppercases at the beginning of a sentence and name, finger spaces between each word, spelling word wall words correctly, adding details, making sure our writing makes sense, and trying our best! We will read this checklist everyday to make sure we are applying each of those skills in our writing.

Math: This week, we will complete our Saxon Math Curriculum. After the holidays, we will be working in math groups on a 1st Grade Math Curriculum, Excel! The students have been doing well with the MATH TIMED TESTS. Students are timed on addition skills and move up levels at their own pace. Some of our friends are already on +2!!!  We will continue to practice addition "DOUBLES" in our fun DOUBLES SONG. My goal for all students is to memorize all the doubles facts. Please work on basic addition (stories!) and doubles at home. Please also continue to reinforce LEFT and RIGHT with your child.

Leadership: We will continue discussing GENEROSITY in our classroom and how we can give to others and show our generosity during the holiday season.


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