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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Weekly News: May 16

Our Family Fun Night Luau is ON FRIDAY!!!! The event takes place at Bryant St. from 4-8:00. If you would like to help set up, parents will be there setting up at 3:00. Thank you to those parents who signed up to donate items to our Aquarium basket - if you have not brought these items in yet, please do so soon! Also, if you would like to work at our Hawaiian Duck Pond booth, there will be a sign-up on the door on Monday! We are also asking that each family bring in a bag of candy as a donation to our booth for "prizes". Food tickets for the Luau will be on sale before and after school all this week - and if you donate a 12 pack of soda, you'll get a discount!! We are so excited for this fun end-of-the-year event, so put on your Hawaiian outfits and we'll see you there!

Our AJ Barile's Pizza Field Trip is on Tuesday!!! We will be leaving school around 8:30 and returning by dismissal, so please pick up your child at the regular time. There will still be tutoring and electives on this day. There is no charge for the kiddos on this field trip, but please return your permission slips if you have not done so already. I have talked to all of our chaperones who are joining us - thank you for volunteering your time!

ILCS Talent Show Auditions on Monday. Participants will be announced on Friday!

Community Service projects are due at the end of this month! Students will be presenting (a short 3-5 minute oral presentation of their project) the week of May 23rd. Please sign up for a presentation date. Sign-up sheet is on my door! 

I hope that you have been enjoying the FIRST IN MATH program. Our TOP PLAYER OF THE WEEK IS TROY!!!!!! Congratulations, Troy!

What Are We Learning This Week??:


In reading we will continue to make connections, ask questions, and make inferences before, during, and after our stories. In math we will continue to work on Excel sheets at our ability level. We will also learn about regrouping numbers in addition.  In writing we will write about what plants need to survive. We will also work on our fictional stories.


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