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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Homework: April 4

  • Make new flashcards for the new sight words : OVER, UNDER, RIGHT, LEFT, PUT.
  • Study flashcards EVERYDAY! 
  • Read Fluency Passage 3 times everyday! 
  • Read AR Books.
  • RAZ-Kids Reading and quizzes - these quizzes will come back to me so I can see how you are doing!
  • Have a parent read to child, asking HOTS comprehension questions before, during, and after reading. 
  • Initial the Reading Log. 

  • Sharing - Write THREE sentences about tadpoles and frogs. Draw a picture to go with your sentences. Sharing is due any day this week.
  • Write a Step Up to Writing - choose a topic sentence, three main ideas, and a conclusion sentence. Draw a picture to go with your story. Due Friday.
  • Write a story -  write a short story consisting of two-three sentences on one topic. Don't forget your details, Neat Nancy penmanship, and proper punctuation. Due Friday.
  • Take a practice spelling and dictation sentence test on Thursday to prepare for your Friday test!

  • Excel Math Homework
  • Practice math concepts ONLY AS NEEDED:
    • Write numbers 1-30 (challenge: 1-100). Focus on number reversals!
    • Read numbers 1-30 (use number flashcards if your child is still struggling with number identification out of order).
    • Practice counting 5s and 10s.
    • Practice telling time to the hour and half hour.
    • Practice counting money (pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters). 
    • Practice making patterns (AB, ABB, ABC, AAB)
    • Practice what number comes before, after, in between.
    • Practice larger than, greater than, less than, fewer than.
    • Practice days of the week and months of the year. 
    • Practice addition (story problems are great too!)
    • Practice subtraction.
    • Practice LEFT and RIGHT - for example, ask your children to raise their right hand/left hand, draw a square in the upper left corner, draw a circle in the lower right corner, etc.

Homework due Friday. Please write your name on the Reading Log and staple that to the front of homework. Thank you!


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